
Forms to Answer Breach of Contract Lawsuits

Contracts are essential when doing business; and, in a perfect world both sides would benefit from the contract and no disputes would arise. However, delays, financial problems, pandemics, and other unexpected issues can occur that may prevent a party from fulfilling its obligations or performing the promises dictated in the contract – and as a result, a party may find itself in breach of contract. If you are being sued for breach of contract, what should you do? If you've been named in a breach of contract lawsuit quite a bit may be at stake. If you believe you have a valid legal defense to this lawsuit and wish to defend yourself, you will need to file a response. There are many methods for responding to this type of lawsuit. One common method is to file an Answer. You normally have 30 days from the day you were personally served to file a written response in proper legal form.


There are numerous legal defenses one may claim when being sued for breach of contract. Examining the contract and discovering potential defenses is essential to defending against a breach of contract complaint or claim. Some common examples of reasons why a plaintiff’s claims of breach of contract should be barred include:

  • Duress: You may argue that the plaintiff used duress or coercions to get you to agree to the contract in the first place, permitting you to withdraw your agreement.
  • Failure to mitigate damages: The plaintiff should have been reasonably able to avoid damages caused by the contract’s possible breach, yet they made no effort to do so.
  • Unclean hands: The argument that the plaintiff is not entitled to relief due to their own wrongdoing or breaches in the same contract.